Confession: Too much of my time is passed on Pinterest. This thing is addicting. And creates many needs. For houses you will probably never be able to afford, travels that won’t happen, objects you don’t need…
Recipes, so many recipes you can’t make them all… I think I could eat for the rest of my life making each recipe only one time.
And projects. Who knew there were so many things you can do yourself?! But I can now officially tell you… I made something thanks to Pinterest!
I am still trying to find a menu planning, grocery shopping method that I like to do and works for me. I am not horrible at menu planning, but I definitely make more of a 4-5 days plan then a weekly plan. And I need a weekly plan. An organized, official, written, in-my-face weekly plan (compared to the current in-my-head plan).
And seeing tons of menu boards on Pinterest made me think…
Maybe having a beautiful menu board I made all by myself is a great incentive to really think about my meals for the next 7 days. And have it in my face for the whole week. And make a grocery list according to this plan. And not go to the grocery store 2-3 times a week. Nothing to lose here…
I have to say, I really liked the boards with the recipe cards. But let’s face it: as a food blogger, there is no always-eating-the-same-thing here (doesn’t help with meal planning, but hey… trying and creating new recipes is fun :)).
So the wipe-off menu definitely is the best in my case. But I want to plan not only dinners, I also want to plan lunches. And need space for that. And then the idea just came to me…
I used a collage frame to have a 4 x 6 space for each day. Now here is how I made it…
- A collage frame (8 x 4 by 6 inch)
- Dry-erase marker
+ …
- A computer
- Internet
- A color printer
- Scissors…
Using the computer, go on the Internet and search Google images for scrapbook paper. Find one you like. Save. Open Paint or equivalent and make a new blank 4 x 6 inch (300 x 450 pixels) image. Use saved image as background. Write Menu on one, days of the week on 7 others. If desired, select different scrapbook papers or different parts of one (copy/paste selected part). Print using color printer. Cut using scissors. Place in frame. Hang on wall.
That’s what I call a cheap project. All you need to do is find a cheap frame.
You can also use real scrapbook paper and print the days of the week on it.
Charlie this is a really amazing project. You could sell these online. I love pinterest as well but it is so addicting. Some days I just don’t want to live my life but would rather just pin my life.
lol I hear you about Pinterest. Your wipe off board is brilliant! Thanks for sharing!
SUCH a great idea! Thanks for sharing Charlie!!! 😀
That is genius. I love it and I have enough frames to do this.
beautiful and organized
Hi Charlie! I’m over here via Kim @ Cravings of a Lunatic! She mentioned this post and how terrific it is and I have to say I agree! So very nice to meet you and I look forward to your next project and recipes!
Hi Charlie –
Can you use the dry erase marker on the picture frame glass? I know that might be a silly question but I’m considering making one of my own.
Thank you for such a great idea!
Hi Jessica,
I use a dry erase marker with mine and I have no trouble erasing it. It is harder to erase if you leave it for a long time but still goes away.